On Wednesday, February 28 2024, PT CARAKA INDO’s Grand Event with title “Open Discussion on the Use of Foreign Workers” was held at The Gallery, CIBIS PARK – South Jakarta. It was attended by mostly Head of Companies and Human Resource Management from various companies. The event was brought in informative, fun, and interactive way. Supported by Kementrian imigrasi & Kemnaker.
Presented by Mr Ali Chaidar from the PPTKA Directorate of the Ministry of Manpower and Mr Oscar F. Zebua from Directorate General of Immigration Stay Permits mainly discussed about the update regulation of Foreign Worker Utilization following update Permenkumham no. 22 Year 2023 and change of index visa from Immigration.
Mr Ali Chaidar mentioned that The Indonesian government is opening itself up to foreign workers to work in Indonesia to encourage the investment climate. However, on the one hand, the Government is also tightening regulations and requirements regarding foreign workers. This supported in which Mr Oscar mentioned that the changes of index visa that is being implemented now is with the aim of making it easier for immigration officers to classify foreigners entering Indonesia, and to make easier in terms of the process for foreigner to enter Indonesia. This also supported by the released regulation regarding Golden Visa which expected to invite more Investor to Indonesia.