A family reunification (index E31B – spouse and E31E – children) visa is a type of limited stay visa that facilitates foreigners to join their families in Indonesia. This visa is allowing you to stay varies from six months to two years.

The process approval from the Director General of Immigration is expected in 3 (three) to 4 (four) working days from the date the application is received. Within 90 days the foreigner shall enter to Indonesia with the visa. Once enter Indonesia, the foreigner shall get ITAS (Limited Stay Permit) and MERP (Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit) upon arrival at the international port of arrival.

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Under the spouse Visa/ KITAS, you may work in Indonesia in condition the company who hires/ sponsor you has to apply for your RPTK, pay the DPKK fee and also apply for your working permit so called IMTA. So in this case your Spouse KITAS card is sponsored by your Indonesian wife, and your working permit is sponsored by the company in Indonesia who hires you to work in Indonesia.

It is only taking 7-10 working days to process the telex approval of Spouse visa issued by the Directorate General Immigration office (including username registration).

The required documents to process the Spouse visa are:​

  • Color scan of of Married Certificate issued by Civil Department or KUA (Religious Dept for moslem wedding) If you got married overseas, then you have to register your married book to the Civil Department and that the Civil Dept will issue “Surat Keterangan Menikah” or “Pencatatan Pernikahan”.
  • Color scan of Letter of Non-Impediment issued by the Foreign Embassy in Indonesia
  • Color scan of full pages of your foreign spouse´s passport (cover to cover). The minimum validation of the passport should be 18 months from the date we file the application.
  • Color scan of ID card of Indonesian spouse so called KTP
  • Color scan of Family card so called “KK (Kartu Keluarga).
  • Color scan of the latest saving account statement
  • Color scan birth certificate of Indonesian spouse
  • Photographs with red background color 4X6 cm = 1 ea (you can send it to us in PDF file)​

If you would like to know the cost & services to process the complete permits of the Spouse visa, please do not hesitate to contact

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New Spouse E-ITAS (During Covid)
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Requirement for Dependant Visa for a Child (During Covid)
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